In this blog you will able to learn about full method of doing SEO.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

On-page Optimization Techniques

9:00 PM Posted by Unknown 2 comments
On page optimization

In order to be successful with your SEO long term first you should always start with on page optimization. On page optimization is what you do on your pages to make them more attractive for search engines. It’s related directly to the content and structure of the blog or website. In previous post we discussed what on-page SEO is. Now we are going to show some on-page optimization techniques here.

Having well researched Keywords: Keywords are the most important part of the website. Keywords must always appear within content and website url. You need to find out what keywords relating to your business or website which are commonly users search on search engines. Many people believe that the way only to get first ranking is by having keyword in your website or blog name.

 Meta title: Meta title is most important part of on-page SEO. Meta title is actually the title of page on your website. The Meta title should always contain exact keyword. Meta tag is displayed as the top line of almost every search engine result. Meta title should summarize the content of each individual page.

Meta Description: Meta description is functions as a small preview or welcome to people who come across your website. The goal of Meta description is to explain what about your page or website is. Meta description should a small text description of your page. Google allows for 160 characters in their description.

Meta Keyword: Meta keywords are all phrases that relevant to article body.Meta keyword should synonyms and alternate words.

Website Content Optimization: After building a website you should not keep in mind how good layout is but also you should also keep focus on good content. Your website is about to give something to visitors so website content must be unique with your website. You have to update on keeping content on your website at least once a week or month.

Keyword density: Keyword density is a measurement of how often your selected keyword or keyword phrase appears in a web page or web post. Keyword density is always expressed as a percentage based on the number of times your keywords. The optimum keyword density is for a website is between 3% to 7 %

URL structure: Web page URLs are most important aspect of Search engine optimization. So URL must has to informative and relevant, logical and reflect the structure of website. Google likes websites with keywords in the URL.

Optimized internal links: Internal links are hyper links that are a reference or navigation element in a page of your website that point at the same website or domain as the website that the link exists on. We can create internal link by using keyword which focused anchor text.

Image optimization: Image are an important part of making a website visually attractive for visitors. Images must have to proper name. Resizing of image and use alt tag.

There are also some techniques of On-page SEO. We have to ensure top quality content, fast loading page etc.