In this blog you will able to learn about full method of doing SEO.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Keywords Density

8:31 PM Posted by Unknown 2 comments
Keywords Density

It's a well-know fact that in the world of Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Density
plays the greatest role in the ranking of your site's pages. But this term is often
thrown around with the assumption that the reader has an understanding of exactly what
the term means. For many Internet Marketing newbies, that's not the case. So if you've
heard the term but don't really know what it means, or how to figure the keyword density
of your web pages, this article is for you.

Simply put, Keyword Density is a measurement of how often your selected keyword
or keyword phrase appears in a web page.

You may think initially that the higher the keyword density, the better your page will rank.
But nothing could be farther from the truth. If your keyword density is too high, the
search engines will assume that you are "keyword stuffing", and will penalize you severely
for it. Keyword stuffing is regarded as a form of spam.

So the best approach is to try to strike a natural balance between the number of times your
keywords appear and the number of words in the web page.It will be better SEO for your web page.

Keyword density is always expressed as a percentage, based on the number of times your keywords
appear and the total word content on a given web page.

Suppose you have 100 words on your webpage (this is just the content - it doesn't include the
HMTL code contained in the web page), and your keyword occurs five times in the content. The
keyword density for the keyword on that page 5%. It is determined by dividing the total number
of times the keyword is used by the total number of words in your web page. So in this case, it
is 5 divided by 100 = .05, or 5%

The optimum Keyword Density for a web page is between 3% and 7%, depending on the keywords and
context. As you become more adept at crafting content for your web sites, and seeing the rankings
in the search engine rankings, you'll get a better feel of what keyword density words best
for your niche.

You should also be aware that keyword density is per page, not per site. Each page will have
it's own keyword density for the words that make up that page.

So now that you have a firm understanding of what keyword density is, and how to figure the
keyword density for your selected keywords on your web pages, it's time to get to work to
raise your search engine rankings.Finally we can say that Keyword density is more important part of search engine optimization.

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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Image optimization technique.

11:20 PM Posted by Unknown 3 comments

Our website is generally a combination of all types of content. You have graphics; you have text, and sometimes Flash animations and videos too! We are all aware that search engine optimization of text content on our website is the key to getting top rankings for your web pages. Let this not lead you to believe that the images and graphics on your webpage add no business value to your website. Reducing the images and graphics would really make your website look really sad! You guessed it - there are always ways to get around such issues! And the way to work around this is Image Optimization.

Let's take a look at what Image Optimization is all about. It is a way in which you add text matter as a
Image Optimization
description to describe the image, just to help search engine crawlers "read" the image. It is a good idea to have your strongest keyword as a description for your images. Let's take a look at how this is accomplished.

Alternative Text or ALT Tags: Alt Tags are used in the HTML script to describe the image. This description essentially includes the targeted keyword. Since the ALT Tag is in the HTML code, search engine crawlers can recognize that there is an image there and with the description they know exactly what the image is about! Good enough information for indexing!

Image Size: The size of the image affects the speed in which the webpage loads. This definitely means that you must add images with a small size and save yourself bandwidth as well as page loading times. A definitely positive SEO practice.

Headings: Addition of a bold heading for an image definitely helps.Its also helpful for SEO.

Text Link: If an image is linked to a webpage, when you point your cursor to this image, you see a description, generally the one that was used in ALT Text. And the image then links to another website or internal link.

Caption Writing: You can write a caption with you keywords in it along with the image, so search engines know what it is!

So, to help search engines "see" the image on your page, Image Optimization is a very good search engine optimization technique. With this technique in hand you can give your website a happy look and you do not have to let go some amazing graphics just because they are perceived to not add any business value!

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